Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blogpost 4 : Bella's Dream

One of my favorite Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga series is the New Moon, where you can clearly see that Bella had experiences recurring dreams.

In the article about Bella's Dreams and Hallucinations written by an Unknown Author from Shmoop 
According to the author Bella has four dreams. Bella’s first dream is about her grandmother standing right next to Edward, who turns out to actually her in the future.
The author claim that Bella fears aging because she's worried Edward wouldn't be with her.

Bella’s second dream is a recurring dream of running through the forest on desperate search for something that only leads into nothingness.
The author connects her dream to her painful break up that causes her to have recurring dreams.

Third, she also dreams about her best friend, Jacob, who transformed into a werewolf to protect her.
That symbolizes friendship, according to the author.

And lastly, When Edward came back to her. Her dream leaves her with the image of an angel who turns out to be Edward.

A quote from the article, “Bella’s dreams present a projection of her subconscious desires”

Dreams for me are like mirrors. They reflect us our desires in life. They reflect us our emotions in our walking life.

 I have also read another article about Bella's Premonitions by an Unknown Author from thetwilightsaga According to this article, the author seems that Bella's dreams are particularly vivid.

When Bella is at the stage of a painful break up with Edward, leaving her alone. She dream of nothingness, it is because the part of her soul and being has gone so there is nothing to see or to feel. And her dream of her best friend transformed into a werewolf, the author thinks that Bella has a gift of intuition and it is a way of seeing the future things that are connected to her.

According to the author, “dreams are particularly vivid.”

One cause of recurring dreams for a normal teen ager is a bad experience in our waking life that can lead to depression. Bella as a normal teen ager who experiences vivid pain cause her having these nightmares. It is important to learn how to face these emotions for they may lead to suicide. 

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