Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blogpost 1 : Dreams that keep coming back.

Are you haunted by your thoughts in your dreams? And you just keep ignoring because it is only a dream? If yes, it’s time to look back in your life. Haunted thoughts in your dreams are known as Recurring dreams. These dreams are repeating itself and being recalled for a reason.

I have so much dreams that keep coming back. At first, I just ignored it. But when I realized that these dreams keep coming back for 3 consecutive weeks. I started to wonder and research why are they coming back.

I have read an article from "" written by a Unknown Author about "Learn the Language of Your Dreams". According to the article, like all dreams, recurrent dreams are a message from you to yourself. They came from our unconscious mind to our conscious mind using dream symbols. The difference between recurrent dream and the normal dream is that recurrent dream have a very particular message to you and you are not paying attention to it
And when you are not paying attention, the dream will keep repeating it self until you understand and do something about it.
Another is that people who experience recurring dreams might have some sort of trauma in their past and trying to deal with.
The majority of our recurring dreams usually appear as a nightmare or a very unpleasant dream.
The recurring dream can be last for days, weeks, months or even a whole life span. 

According the author, "In fact, the message is so important that the dream persists until you finally understand and implement its wisdom." 

Repeated dreams are not meant to ignore. They cry out for our attention to fix things up in our lives. This is one way to remind our self that there is something wrong going on in our life that needs to be resolved.

             Another article from “” written by an Unknown Author about “Recurring Dreams”. According to the article, recurring dreams contain messages that serve to teach us something. The message may be so important and powerful that it refuses to go away.

Recurring dreams are quite common and are often triggered by a certain life situation, transitional phase in life or a problem that keeps coming back again and again. These dreams may recur daily, once a week, or once a month. What ever the frequency, there is little variation in the dream content itself.

According to the article, “The repetitive patterns in your dream reveal some of the most valuable information about yourself.”

These dreams may not be exactly the same, but the theme, setting and outcome remain the same. They mean a lot for us. Behind these dreams are the hidden emotions we can’t accept. 

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