Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blogpost 3 : Women have more nightmare

Women have wilder dreams than men, according to the article I have read in Science Dailly about this topic Women Have More Nightmares, than Men. written by an Unknown Author.
The article reveals the scientist’s study shows that Women have more nightmares than men.

They examine more closely the stuff that dreams are made of. The scientist study has focused on discovery that women suffer more nightmares then men.  The article introduced Dr Jennie Parker, a mature student was interested in looking at some aspect of psychology for her PhD study and it was at a lecture about dreams, given by former UWE (University of the West of England) researcher Dr Susan Blackmore that she had a moment of epiphany.
According to the article, she took a sample of 100 women and 93 men. They were aged between 18 and 25 and were predominantly Year 1 Psychology students at UWE.

Dr Parker concludes, “Each of these dream types has its own distinct subjectivity.”
We may have common dreams, but these dreams differ in what way they mean to us. Especially for women, who are very emotional unlike men, who are more likely are just into physical activities.

                Another article that I read from The Telegraph about Women have more nightmares than men, study finds by  Richard Savill. According to the article, the research concluded that women suffer more nightmares than men after they study and analyze the diaries recorded by the volunteers.

                The findings came from a study of 193 male and female volunteers at the University of the West of England (UWE) in Bristol, when the researchers asked to record the volunteer’s most recent dream.  19 percent of male students reported having a nightmare compared to 34 percent of women. Their emotions were recorded in diaries. And it could all be down to women’s hormones because body temperature changes caused by their monthly cycle trigger more vivid, extravagant dreams, this study at the University of the West of England suggested. 

According to the author, “I found that women’s nightmares can be broadly divided into three categories, fearful dreams being chased or life threatened, losing a loved one or confused dreams." 
As a woman, I agree that women are more prone to nightmares than men, for women are having harder time to switch off their emotions at the end of the day. 

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